Category: Business tips

AVIF vs. WebP: Which Image Format Is Better for SEO?

A comparison between two leading image formats: AVIF and WebP. The Alliance for Open Media created AVIF for superior image compression without quality loss, that’s remarkable. On the other hand,...
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What Makes Search GPT Different from Google Search?

Two giants stand out, Google Search and OpenAI’s Search GPT. While both tools aim to provide users with the information they seek, their methods and experiences offered are distinct. Let’s...
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10 Quick Tips to Boost Your Google Ads Conversion Rates

As a freelance website designer in Dubai, I understand the significance of conversion rates in the world of digital advertising. Google Ads, offers businesses a powerful tool to reach their...
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11 Ways to Save on Initial Investment for Your Business

Having a mind-blowing business idea does not always guarantee success. To make your new venture successful, you need to put in your time, money, and effort upfront. There are several...
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